
Source code: py_everything/

This module deals with encryption using the enrocrypt library

New in version 2.1.0.


Returns List containing specially formatted encrypted data for data.

returns List

List containing specially formatted encrypted data for data

py_everything.bencrypt.decrypt(key, data)

Returns decrypted data using key.

returns bytes

Str/bytes containing decrypted data using key.


This requires you to provide the key and data separately in 2 arguments from the encrypted List.


Returns decrypted data using key from encryptedList.

returns bytes

Str/bytes containing decrypted data using key.

py_everything.bencrypt.encryptFile(filepath, keyFilepath)

Returns bool depending on encryption successful or not.

returns bool

True if encryption successful, Flase if not

py_everything.bencrypt.decryptFile(filepath, keyFilepath)

Returns bool depending on decryption successful or not.

returns bool

True if decryption successful, Flase if not