********************* :mod:`py_everything` ********************* .. module:: py_everything **Source code:** `py_everything/__init__.py `_ This module contains some basic functions. This is the base module of the library. .. function:: helloWorld() Super Simple and Basic function that prints "Hello, World!" .. function:: printNoNewline(*args) Prints text without newlines. Very basic function. :param *args: The text you want to print without newlines .. note:: You cannot customize what is printed instead of the newline. .. function:: clearPycache(path) Deletes *__pycache__* folder from `path`. :param str path: Full path to the folder which contains *__pycache__* :returns bool: True if *__pycache__* is deleted successfully. :raises error.pycacheNotFoundError: This exception is raised if ``path`` does not contain ``__pycache__``. .. function:: installModules(*args) Install modules using ``pip``, while execution. :param *args: Modules you want to install. :returns bool: True if all modules were installed successfully. :raises error.installModulesFailedError: This exception is raised if all modules could not be installed successfully. Occurs if package doesn't exist. .. function:: alphabet() Get a list of all alphabets in lowercase. :returns list: List containing all alphabets in lowercase in alphabetical order. .. function:: alphabetCaps() Get a list of all alphabets in uppercase. :returns list: List containing all alphabets in uppercase in alphabetical order. .. function:: alphabetStr() Get a string of all alphabets in lowercase. :returns str: String containing all alphabets in lowercase in alphabetical order. .. function:: alphabetCapsStr() Get a string of all alphabets in uppercase. :returns str: String containing all alphabets in uppercase in alphabetical order. .. function:: nums() Get a list of all numbers(0-9). :returns list: List containing all numbers(0-9) in ascending order. .. function:: syms() Get a list of all symbols. :returns list: List containing all symbols.