***************************** :mod:`py_everything.regex` ***************************** .. module:: py_everything.regex **Source code:** `py_everything/regex.py `_ This module containing many usefull regular expressions. ``url``: Regex to match any web URL(irrespective of protocol/URI, subdomain, url path, query parameters) ``filepath``: Regex to match any local filepath(irrespective of OS) ``number``: Regex to match any number(irrespective of length) ``anything``: Regex to match anything ``string``: Regex to match any string(data within quotes(double or single)) ``email``: Regex to match any email address ``alphanumeric``: Regex to match any alphanumeric text ``password``: Regex to match complex passwords(password validator) ``ip``: Regex to match any IPv4 Address ``date``: Regex to match any date in format(ddMMYY) with separators of -, ., or / ``time12``: Regex to match any time in format(HH:MM) with optional 0 in HH 12-Hour ``time24``: Regex to match any time in format(HH:MM) with optional 0 in HH 24-Hour ``html``: Regex to match any HTML tag with attributes ``hexCode``: Regex to match any hex code color ``emptyString``: Regex to match any empty string