********************************** :mod:`py_everything.mensuration` ********************************** .. module:: py_everything.mensuration **Source code:** `py_everything/mensuration.py `_ This module conatins functions for mensuration. .. function:: areaRect(length, breadth) Function to find the area of a rectangle :param float length: Length of the rectangle :param float breadth: Breadth of the rectangle :returns float area: Area of the rectabgle .. function:: perimeterRect(length, breadth) Function to find the perimeter of a rectangle :param float length: Length of the rectangle :param float breadth: Breadth of the rectangle :returns float perimeter: Perimeter of the rectangle .. function:: areaSqr(side) Function to find the area of a square. :param float side: Side of the square :returns float area: Area of the square .. function:: perimeterSqr(side) Function to find the perimeter of a square :param float side: Side of the square :returns float perimeter: Perimeter of the square .. function:: areaTriangle(side) Function to find the area of a triangle :param float base: Base of the triangle :param float height: Height of the triangle :returns float area: Area of the triangle .. function:: perimeterTriangle(side1, side2, base) Function to find the perimeter of a triangle :param float side1: Side 1 of the triangle :param float side2: Side 2 of the triangle :returns float perimeter: Perimeter of the triangle .. function:: areaCirc(radius) Function to find the area of a circle :param float radius: Radius of the circle :returns float area: Area of the circle .. function:: circumferenceCirc(radius) Function to find the circumference of a circle :param float radius: Radius of the circle :returns float area: Circumference of the circle .. function:: volCyl(radius, height) Functio to find the volume of a cylinder :param float radius: Radius of the cylinder :param float height: Height of the cylinder :returns float volume: Volume of the cylinder .. function:: volCone(radius, height) Function to find the volume of a cone :param float radius: Radius of the cone :param float height: Height of the cone :returns float volume: Volume of the cone .. function:: volSphere() Function to find the volume of a sphere :param float radius: Radius of the sphere :returns float volume: Volume of the sphere .. function:: volCube() Function to find the volume of a cube :param float edge: Edge of the cube :returns float volume: Volume of the sphere .. function:: volCuboid() Function to find the volume of a cuboid :param float length: Length of the cuboid :param float breadth: Breadth of the cuboid :param float height: Height of the cuboid :returns float volume: Volume of the cuboid .. function:: pival() Function to get the value of pi :returns float pi: Value of pi .. function:: eval_() Function to get the value of e :returns float e: Value of e .. note:: The name of the function is ``eval_`` and not just ``eval``. ``eval()`` is an predefined function in python. Do not confuse this.